A Time Of Transition

With the last heat wave behind us, there is no denying that summer is ending and fall is quickly approaching. The energy of fall is productive, grounded and focused. It is a time of year for settling into routine, getting projects done and tackling new challenges. Take advantage of Autumn’s energy to breathe new life into your efforts to find a dating partner.

If you have struggled on the dating scene but feel hopeless about what to do differently, Dating Boot Camp can help. With a small group of fellow frustrated daters, explore in depth why you get stuck in particular patterns. Understand better how your choices may be sabotaging your success. Learn to shift negative belief systems that impact how you present yourself to the world. In 5 weeks you will be equipped with a new perspective about yourself and your dating dynamics. You will be empowered to engage in the process differently, bringing you closer to achieving the results you have been wanting.

I am currently interviewing for two DBC groups. Pending full enrollment, one or both groups will start in October. Join us!


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