The first session of DBC is in the books! Over the five weeks, workshop participants engaged in experiential exercises to explore topics such as:
– Introductions and first impressions
– Does our “self sales pitch” actually sell what we intend and what others want to buy
– How internal self-beliefs show up in our body posture and facial expressions and how to capitalize on that as a resource
– What we want in a partner and how that lines up with who we tend to date
– How we fit with others and why
– How to determine if that “click” we feel with someone is a good thing or a sign of trouble
– How family-of-origin patterns impact current dating choices
– And how we can get out of our own way and become more active, purposeful agents in creating the dating/relationship life we want.
Participants joined together, made themselves vulnerable and walked away armed with new insight about themselves and the interpersonal patterns that interfere with achievement of their dating goals. They have expressed the intention to stay in touch in order to continue supporting each other in the implementation of all they have learned together. I’m so proud of their engagement in the process and will be checking in in three months to see how they are doing on the dating scene.
The next Dating Boot Camps will begin in the fall. I have two groups currently filling. Feel free to contact me for more information.
Happy dating!